hi blog!
pretty sure no one stops by here anymore considering that my last entry was posted way back in 2014, and that's like 3 years ago. i still have exo as my header............. that's odd because i can hardly make time for this kind of stuff ever since i got busy with spm preparation lol.
when i logged on to this site, i was momentarily frozen, too much changes to take in, and i'm no longer familiar with the layout and whatnot lol. so what's up? i've been real busy- life's never been this packed before. it's too hectic with little to no time to spare for myself. but lissa being lissa, i can't miss out anything that my best friends post on instagram or twitter. so there's just too much to keep up with, too much to catch up with, all at the same time. i wish i could split myself into two so that i can juggle two lives at once 👀
in april, when i was applying for a job as a graphic designer (one of the requirements to meet is to have basic photoshop skills), i was asked about how did i learn to use photoshop so i said its all thanks to my blogging experience. for a second, my then-boss was in awe, albeit quite confused as to how is photoshop linked to blogging. i couldn't really explain to her in details but i was hired anyway and my two months of service couldn't be more enjoyable. it's partly due to having my best friend as my colleague, we would laugh hysterically everyday and everyone else was understanding enough that these two 18-year-olds are still at that phase of life- having fun while they still can. well, we were past spm already 😝 it was fun. the job itself is a very fun one although it can inarguably get very tedious sometimes- i mean that's bound to happen when you're sitting in front of the desktop for hours. i wish i could have stayed longer but pursuing studies is much much more important for the sake of a better future. the thought of quitting and having to go through the last days at that workplace of mine was heartbreaking, really, the remaining days i had left felt gloomier than ever, and a few days prior to quitting, my boss threw some kind of a farewell party.
there, saya berjaya tulis one paragraph about my working experience post spm. speaking of which, i am pretty content with my spm results. i wasn't much of a hardworking student, but the effort that i put in had paid off and it was worth the stress (kot la). i am still wishing, however, that i had obtained more numbers of A+. people keep telling me to be grateful with my results and some of them would even express their desire to have my results but this isn't just a matter of being grateful or not- in that department, of course i am. it's regretting what you have done in the past, you know, not making full use of the free time i had. went to have fun instead tsk tsk. i am a person who knows no limit when it comes to having fun (just kidding. i am well aware of the lines not to cross).
till then!
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Style Jubah Cotton Online Untuk ke Annual Dinner
Pejam celik, pejam celik, 2014 hampir melabuhkan tirai tidak lama lagi dan lazimnya, banyak syarikat-syarikat yang akan mengadakan jamuan makan malam tahunan atau annual dinner sempena penutup tahun 2014. Oleh yang demikian, entri kali ini akan berkongsikan sedikit tips untuk wanita-wanita berhijab yang mungkin ingin tampil glamor dan sopan pada masa yang sama. Selain dress muslimah dan kaftan, jubah cotton juga merupakan pilihan ideal yang boleh digayakan untuk ke majlis istimewa seumpama ini.
Namun begitu, anda haruslah bijak memilih rekaan atau style jubah cotton yang sesuai untuk tampil menawan dan bergaya persis sorang diva. Berikut merupakan diantara style jubah cotton yang paling sesuai untuk digayakan ke annual dinner.
You can never go wrong
with Black! Kerana hitam
itu elegan dan menawan

#Rona Gelap
Jika anda takut untuk tampil serba hitam
atau tidak mahu kelihatan seolah-olah hendak menghadiri majlis pengebumian,
gayakan jubah cotton yang berona gelap seperti biru tua atau hijau tua seperti berikut.
Seterusnya adalah jubah polos berona
pastel yang pastinya menyerlahkan lagi ciri-ciri kewanitaan anda.
So, apakah style pilihan anda? Jangan
lupa untuk memadankan tudung yang sesuai beserta aksesori yang menawan and
you’ll own the night! Apa yang anda tunggu lagi? Feel free to visit ZALORA
Malaysia untuk koleksi jubah cotton online yang terbaik daripada jenama-jenama hebat
dengan harga yang amat menakjubkan.
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